A Story of Rats is a duo consisting of the Los Angeles/Seattle based artists Garek J Druss and dl Salo. This collaboration was formed to create environments and atmospheres that enable the listener to engage in a heightened experience that resembles an ecstatic awareness or transcendence.
Garek Druss is a Los Angeles based sound and visual artist who creates work that explores the balance between the physical being and the incorporeal or non-being. His aural works create active and engaged listening environments that allow for heightened states of self-reflection and phenomenological awareness. His work utilizes watercolor drawings, video, and vibrant soundscapes to create temporary ambient interactions that examine the human condition. Druss' interest in creating work that develops the public's sonic palette has lead him to several international residencies, multiple museum performances in the U.S. and Europe, album and sound art releases in conjunction with art exhibitions, installations, and live performances. He has collaborated in musical, dance, and performance-based projects, including the atmospheric electronic group, A Story of Rats